On Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022, New York Farm Bureau will host a special, one-day conference in Buffalo, “Adapt, Advance, Achieve – Focusing on the Future of Northeast Agriculture." NYFB's State annual Meeting will Follow on Dec. 7.
The conference will look at the weather, business climate and market climate 10-15 years into the future. Panel leaders will include Ben Houlton, Dean of Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Robert Duffy, former New York Lieutenant Governor and CEO of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce; Chris Laughton, Director of Farm Credit East’s
Knowledge Exchange and keynote speaker, Brett Sciotto, CEO of Aimpoint Research. Attendees will include farmers, agricultural policy leaders and agribusiness professionals
from across the Northeast.
The cost to attend is $150 for NYFB members ($175 for non-members) and includes registration, lunch and dinner reception. Reduced rate hotel rooms are available. The New York Farm Bureau Business Session will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 7 . Delegates are invited to attend the dinner reception Tuesday evening and then meet to conduct the business of the organization on Wednesday, Dec. 7.
There will be a membership breakfast, business session and the awards luncheon. County Farm Bureau voting delegates will be able to attend the full Tuesday conference with a reduced registration.